Our production debut, documentary film “Cinema Komunisto”, directed by Mila Turajlić, had world premiere in the most prestigious world festival for documentary films IDFA (International Documentary Film festival Amsterdam) in the selection – First Appearance, and we are proud with multi-award winnings: Gold Hugo for Best Documentary at Chicago International Film Festival (USA); Alpe Adria Cinema Award for Best Documentary Film at Trieste Film Festival (Italy); FOCAL International Award for Best Use of Archive Footage in an Arts Production (UK); Grand Prix du Jury Festival International du cinéma d’Alger (Algeria); Best Debutant Director Makedox (Macedonia); Audience Award Views of the World (Cyprus); Audience Award UnderhillFest (Montenegro); Honourable Mention of the Jury It’s All True Festival (Brazil); Honourable Mention of the Jury Uruguay International Film Festival (Uruguay); Honorable Mention of the Jury Cape Winelands Film Festival (South Africa); Special Jury Award Balkan Film Festival in Podgradec (Albania).
Our next project was feature movie “Jelena, Katarina, Marija”, directed by Nikita Milivojević internationally most recognized Serbian theatre director. That was the first Serbian movie entirely filmed in the USA, in New York City.
In the documentary program, we also produced a travelogue series “East Side Story ” where in 13 episodes, in 60 days of travel, we visited all thirty-one states of the Eastern part of the United States of America.
Our next feature film was “Prokleti pas” (“F#@king Dog”). Action comedy made in the style of British black comedies. FIPRESCI – The Serbian branch of the association of film critics, at the 2017 annual awards ceremony, praised the movie in two categories: Best Male role and Best Music. The film was also awarded at the oldest Serbian film festival in Niš, where Žika Todorović received the award for the best actor (2018 Milorad Mandić Manda Award).
“3K Production” is currently preparing for the realization of several projects. An ecological series of 6 feature-length documentaries, a feature-length feature film “Taste of Dust” (which will be filmed in New York), as well as the second part of the travel series around America “West Side Story”, where in 60 days, in the 13 episodes, we plan to visit all 19 states on the West Side of the United States of America.